Subject: Instiall ation problem
To: None <port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Steve Ruby <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 10/07/1996 11:55:48
Okay probably a stupid install ation problem, but here is what isn't happening
A drive has been selected and attached to a 3100 already
running Ultrix 4.2
disk was formated using
rzdisk -f vendor /dev/rrz2c
disk was labled from ultrix using
disklabel -B -R /dev/rrz2c protofile
where I edited disklabel/sample to make protofile for my drive
miniroot-1.2 was then written to this disk using
dd if=/usr/mdec/miniroot-1.2 of=/dev/rrz2c seek=16 skip=16
which takes a few seconds and appears to work
then I re-boot off of drive rz2
and wow! in runs off of the mini root, but it asks me what drive to
use for root and I have told it rz2 rz2c rz2d rz2a
and it each case it re-boots and asks again
problems I can see so far:
if I do chpt -q /dev/rrz2c I see partitions at a,c,b, and g but
the protofile read partitions at a,b,c and d (disklabel complains when
you tell it a,b,c, and g I guess I assumed that since we wrote miniroot
to rrz2c and we were just seting up a root we wouldn't even get to d or g
yet so it would be okay, but maybe this is my problem?
Steve Ruby