Subject: Partition Problems...
To: None <port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Robert Rusek <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 12/05/1996 11:25:31
I installed a Fujitsu 2266 hardrive. I created a disktab entry as
fuj2266|FUJ2266|Fujitsu 2266 Winchester:\
I then newfs the partitons:
newfs /dev/rz0a
newfs /dev/rz0b
newfs /dev/rz0g
Upon fsck of /dev/rz0g I get the following error:
rz0g: overlaps open partiton (b)
How is this possible? As far as I could tell none of the partions
overlap each other? Do I have the physical attributes of the drive
set incorrectly?
Robert Rusek
Systems Network Analyst
Fairleigh Dickinson University
(201)443-8689 /