Subject: Re: X servers...
To: Chris G Demetriou <>
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
List: port-pmax
Date: 12/16/1996 21:19:37
>I have absolutely no intention of making the Alpha frame buffers
>support the DEC ws interface.
As I've said in private e-mail, I was suggesting unifying the
pmax and alpha framebuffer device drivers; and thus the interface
that X11, glass-tty console code, or other higher-level software uses
to manipulate framebuffers. I wasn't (yet) suggesting sharing either
Chris's "wsconsole" _or_ the Xserver interface.
Also, AFAIK, the _only_ X servers that support the i860/pixelstamp
Decstation-vintage accelerated TC framebuffers are the DEC proprietary
ones; which is another reason to emulate the Xws interface. (or do those
Xservers still use the older interface? Yuck...)