Subject: Unix newbie with DS3100
To: None <port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Steven P. Underwood <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 12/17/1996 20:24:16
Hello all:
I an a newbie to Unix and networking with it. I have been following this
mail list for a couple of weeks now and have read the "Installing NetBSD on
a PMAX" FAQ. I acquired a DS3100 to become familiar with Unix. I would
like to be able to use this system for internet access eventually. My
problem follows then some background info:
How do I get the necessary NetBSD files onto the Ultrix system to be able to
disklabel it and proceed? My options as I see them are as follows:
A. Get an external modem (plan to eventually anyway) and connect the Ultrix
box to the internet (currently my ISP account is PPP only, but able to be
changed to shell).
B. Use DOS/WIN version of tar (is this available??) to transfer files from
PC to DS3100.
C. Setup Wintel box with ethernet card and TCP/IP and FTP between the two.
D. Setup NetBSD on the 386 and proceed with network transfer.
E. Use PC to create boot floppies for the DS3100. (see below)
F. Other options not seen by a newbie???
Thank you for reading this far. Now for the background info:
I have a DECStation 3100 with 24MB RAM, Color Frame Buffer module w/VR262
monochrome monitor, RZ56 (rz0), RZ55 (rz1),RZ25 (rz2), RRD42 (rz4), and RX33
with SCSI interface (rz5). The RZ55 has a minimal install of Ultrix 4.4.
The RZ25 has an image of the Ultrix 4.4 install CD and has a noisy spindle
so I am not planning on keeping this connected all the time. The RZ56 is
available for the NetBSD system disk. I may get another drive in the near
future. I plan to get an external modem eventually for internet access.
I also have a 386sx/16 with 4MB RAM (not much of a development system). It
has an internal modem which is my current internet access connection and an
ethernet card (3c509) which is setup hardware-wise (thinwire) to the DS3100,
but not setup software-wise.(how??)
I was able to copy the ultrixboot (primary boot file??) file to the floppy
and start the boot, but could not fit vmunix or genvmunix onto a floppy.
The boot starts and can't find the secondary boot file and asks for its name
and location. If I give it rz(0,1,0)vmunix, the system continues its boot
If anyone has any insight into how I should proceed, please help.
Steven P. Underwood
Steven Underwood