Subject: Getting X11R5 server to run on a DECStation 5000/25
To: None <port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Robert Rusek <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 12/19/1996 00:47:51
I downloaded the X11R5 binaries from:
I am a little confused how to set this up since it is useing a
topdir of "/store".
I created a directory of /usr/X11R5 on my /usr partition.
I then created a symbolic link on the root partion of
/store pointing to /usr/X11R5 (ln -s /usr/X11R5 /store). I then
copied the entire X11R5 build into that directory (bin diffs etc
include lib mab pic). I had noticed that inside of the bin & lib
directories all the binaries have a appended suffix of @pmaxnetbsd.
Why is this? Do I need to mv them to take the suffix off?
When I go to execute Xcfbpmax or Xmfbpmax I get the following error
Couldn't open RGB_DB '/store/lib/X11/rgb'
couldn't open pm
Fatal server error:
no screens found
I have also noticed that the /store/lib/X11/rgb.db file is missing.
Is there someplace where I can find detailed instructions on how to
implement this? I only need this for the server. I have already
gone through installing a functioning X11R6.1 client.
Thank you in advance, and sorry about the length of this question.
Robert Rusek
Systems Network Analyst
Farleigh Dickinson University /
Thought for the day:
Intuition (n): an uncanny sixth sense which tells people
that they are right, whether they are or not.