Subject: Re: That bare MAXINE I asked about yesterday.
To: Kevin Cousins <>
From: Warner Losh <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 12/20/1996 09:19:53
In message <> Kevin Cousins writes:
: nfs_boot: using network interface 'le0'
: panic: revarp failed, error=51
: Is there an obvious next step that we've missed? We suspect that
: despite succeeding with the bootpd and tftpd, it seems that the
: FreeBSD box can't easily run a rarpd, without configuring a /dev/bpf0,
: which we have not yet done.
Yes. That's is correct. You must configure bpf0, and you must also
have a file in /tftpboot that is the name of your machine's IP
address in hex (eg if you have, you'd need 0A000001 (or is
that A000001)). Then rarpd will work for you. In addition, if you
want to mount a root NFS file system, you must also run mounted -r so
that you can mount the swap file. Then you have all the normal
exports permissions problems...