Subject: Re: problem installing NetBSD on 5000/25
To: None <port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Toru Nishimura <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 04/10/1997 13:36:31
Hi, Paul.
>I have a problem installing NetBSD on my 5000/25. I have prepared a boot
>(zip) disk using my NetBSD/i386 machine and the binary snapshot.
>It boots the kernel but then starts complaining it can not use /dev/console (I
>made the /dev nodes using the MAKEDEV script in the pmax distribution). This
>is followed by errors 22 on the executables (init ...) and a crach including
>dump of the kernel.
Could you provide me your 'printenv' result by ROM monitor? What is your
console; builtin color, TurboChannel option color, or serial port?
Tohru Nishimura
Nara Institute of Science and Technology