Subject: Re: Is the March 16 kernel okay on a 3100?
To: Steven E Lumos <>
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
List: port-pmax
Date: 05/16/1997 03:08:15
>These DO hang:
>[march 15, march 25, may 14, may 15 kernels]
>These DO NOT hang (i.e. tar exits normally):
OK, that's a clear ``no''.
> NetBSD 1.2.1 (ACM0) #0: Thu Mar 27 17:34:50 PST 1997
The March 25 kernel is OK, the march 15 kernel is broken. I have no
idea what's going on. I'd welcome any suggestions.
I may have to give up and find $$/space for a 3100...