Subject: prom version
To: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
From: Gregory McGarry <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 07/06/1997 13:57:22
Jonathan Stone wrote:
> >How do I find out which prom version I have?
> Type
> >> reset
> then wait about 5 seconds. The PROM will print the board type and rev
> number when it's done.
Thanks, I was expecting a larger number. It returns:
KNO2-CA V2.0m
This is the same information when I type
>> cnfg
3: KNO2-CA DEC V2.0m TFC0 ( 24 MB)
(DV -- d=8)
(Sb: devs = 2)
(FDI: 0)
(enet: 08-00-2b-2a-22-5a)
(SCSI = 7)
0: PMAG-JA DEC V5.3A TFCO (CX -- d=8,24)
It now has problems looking at the SCSI drive/bus.
Gregory McGarry
Signal Processing Research Centre
School of Electrical and Electronic Systems Engineering
Queensland University of Technology, Australia