Subject: Re: NetBSD/pmax installation
To: None <port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Toru Nishimura <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 07/12/1997 21:42:03
>> I'm looking for a serial connection to the DS, however, I'd prefer a
>> solution to the video console problem.
> But, AFAIK, once you get the system installed there *is* no problem.
Greg, I think it's just OK for you to choose one of two ways for MAXINE
1. network install with serial console
2. raw write of prepared 32MB image into disk
It has turned out MAXINE can not handle keyboard input with video
console when tftpbooting. It's peculiar to MAXINE design. You have
two options to go farther, and don't have to worry about PROM brahbrah
in your case. I installed NetBSD/pmax in MAXINE last year with the
latter way, and never concerned myself with tftpboot until last week
(as many others).
Tohru Nishimura
Nara Institute of Science and Technology