Subject: Re: Random hangs
To: None <port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jason L. Wright <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 07/21/1997 18:05:47
>It's almost getting to be an FAQ to:
> * add fstab entries for swap partitions:
> /dev/rz0b none swap sw 0 0
> * make sure the your rz?b swap partitions labelled as swap
> (via disklabel -e)
> * check that the swap partitions are in use, via
> swapctl -l or pstat -s. Does that show them?
This would have helped me, and I think since the swap changes are fairly
new, it wouldn't be a bad thing to include in the port specific FAQ (though
I realize that this isn't port specific).
My system, now with correctly labeled disks, is now make'n cleandir and it
made it past libc already =)