Subject: Floppy Disk and "make world"
To: None <port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Leo Bicknell <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 07/21/1997 22:55:56
Two things I would like more information on:
1) It appears that the floppy disk on the Maxines
is not supported. Has anyone tried working on
this? If not, does anyone have the documentation
on the interface?
2) I finally downloaded all the parts to build a whole
system from sources, and built myself a new kernel.
What I don't rember is all the magic to building
userland from source. I remember something about
/usr/obj and various targets, but that's it. Is
there a summary of this somewhere (I didn't see it
in an obvious place on and if not can
someone send me the nickle tour?
Leo Bicknell -
System Administration - Network Design
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