Subject: Re: Stripped down kernel for install?
To: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
From: Daniel S Kosack <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 07/27/1997 21:33:06
On Sun, 27 Jul 1997, Jonathan Stone wrote:
> What PROM revision do you have?
KN01 v6.71
> The rev 7.0 PROMs reported cannot boot kernels with text+data+bss
> greater than 1 Mbyte (the PROM allocates a page of data at 1Mbyte,
> trashing the kernel that it's loading.)
> I have a rev 7.01 which have both netbooted recent NetBSD/pmax ECOFF
> kernels via Ethernet just fine, as does a 7.02 PROM.
> All my ms01 SIMMS are all in a 5000/150 right now or I'd verify that
> the rev 7.01 KN01 still boots the kernel on the FTP site.