Subject: Clustering
To: Karl Maftoum <>
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
List: port-pmax
Date: 07/30/1997 22:40:08
>I would like to cluster the DECs if possible, is there any freeware BSD
>clustering software out there?
Uh, do you mean clustering as in YP(NIS) + NFS, or clustering as in
PVM, or clustering as in software Distributed Virtual Memory, or like
HP/UX, or VMSclusters, or a Single System Image (SSI) distributed
system, or what?
The short answer to the first two is `yes'; or you can get AFS LKMs if
you have an AFS licnse; for the others, I don't have a clue, but I'd
hazard a `no'...
Current-users might be a better place to ask, if you can formulate
more precisely what you're after.