Subject: Re: DecStation 5000/120
To: Chuck Robey <>
From: Luke Mewburn <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 09/21/1997 14:57:02
Chuck Robey writes:
> I got a very cheap DecStation 5000/120 from the excess equipment store
> here at the University of Maryland, and I wanted to see if maybe I could
> run NetBSD on it. I'm currently taking a course here involving some
> assembly language R3000 coding, and thought it would make a dandy
> platform. I've read what I could find so far, and gotten some hint that
> this might be a kinda anemic machine (even for my limited goals).
You can get a CPU upgrade from the 20MHz R3000 to a 25MHz R3000 (making
it a 5000/125), 33Mhz R3000 (5000/133), or a 50Mhz R4000 (5000/150).
Some kind soul (who may even be a fellow reader of port-pmax :)
may have a few /133 CPUs left from upgrading to /150's
> Is that true? Could someone tell me if there's some way for me to upgrade
> it without a bank loan, if it's true? I'm also willing to purchase
> another disk for it, if anyone knows one that would be a good fit the the
> DEC controller and physical mounting, I'd appreciate that too.
A lot of the RZ series disks are rebadged Micropolis or Seagates.
I have a couple of RZ26N's at home, which are Seagate ST31200N's with
different ROMs. From memory I tried a real ST32400 on a DECstation and
it worked.
As to your other questions; there's probably answers available at