Subject: X on DS3100
To: None <port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: William O Ferry <WOFerry+@CMU.EDU>
List: port-pmax
Date: 09/29/1997 12:02:25
Finally got my 3100 disklabelled and up with NetBSD 1.2G (wound up
having to netboot off my i386, the disk image was too large for my 31MB
drive, and even after borrowing a friend's drive, it was missing /usr,
so I couldn't ftp the snapshot over). Now I've downloaded the x11r6.3
package from, but I'm having problems getting it to run.
X is symlinked to Xcfbpmax, /dev/mouse is linked to /dev/pm0, and /store
is linked to /usr/X11R6.3. It's a color 3100, and it does report pm0 on
boot ("pm0 at mainbus0 (1024x864x8) (console)"). Yet when I try to run
X I get:
couldn't open /dev/mouse
Fatal server error:
no screens found
So what am I missing? I thought last time I tried NetBSD I had it
up and running X simply with installing the package. Thanks in advance.
Will Ferry
William O Ferry <woferry@CMU.EDU> | finger: woferry@Warp.RES.CMU.EDU | talk: finger for online status