Subject: Re: X on DS3100
To: William O Ferry <WOFerry+@CMU.EDU>
From: Matthew N. Dodd <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 09/29/1997 15:21:56
On Mon, 29 Sep 1997, William O Ferry wrote:
> couldn't open /dev/mouse
[ds3100]:/dev> ls -la mouse
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 3 Sep 12 23:57 mouse -> fb0
> Fatal server error:
> no screens found
> So what am I missing? I thought last time I tried NetBSD I had it
> up and running X simply with installing the package. Thanks in advance.
I believe you just need to create the link to the mouse.
Matthew N. Dodd | A memory retaining a love you had for life | As cruel as it seems nothing ever seems to | go right - FLA M 3.1:53