Subject: Re: [Q] DS3100 installation? (trying something new)
To: None <port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Paul Bickford <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 10/16/1997 11:38:52
At 10:37 AM 10/16/97 +0100, Reini (Reinhold Huber) wrote:
>Don't get too confused and do the following:
These instructions are better than what the FAQ had (at least in my
>* Get yourself the file NetBSD/arch/pmax/32M-diskimage.gz
>* Unzip it our build a pipeline to dd which gunzips it for you.
Did this. Installed it in /user/users/pmax/32M-diskimage on my i386 boot
disk (sd0).
>* dd that onto the disk you want to boot your 3100 first. It is very much
> easier if you have two disks, but let's boot the machine first :)
> - Connect the boot harddisk to your i386 and find out its device.
It is known as "sd1". It is very likely that the disklabel is bogus (see
previous posts).
> - type
> dd if=32M-diskimage of=sdXc
This simply creates a new (big) file called "sd1c". I assumed that I should
try a command to the effect of:
dd if=32M-diskimage of=/dev/sd1c
However, when I try that (or "/dev/rsd1c"), I get the following error:
"device not configured"
So, I re-labeled the disk so that the "a" partition spans the entire disk,
removed all the other partitions, and lastly "newfs /dev/sd1a".
Then, I:
dd if=32M-diskimage of=/dev/sd1a
and get no errors.
So, I then take the sd1 drive and install it in the DS3100 (after changing
its SCSI ID to zero).
>* Connect the disk to your pmax again.
>* Boot it from prom typing
> boot -f rz(0,X,0)netbsd
> where X is the SCSI ID of your disk.
boot -f rz(0,0,0)netbsd
which returns the error:
?417 btblk fmt
?470 bt err: rz(0,0,0)netbsd
What now?
(seems like we're getting closer, though!)