Subject: Re: NetBSD/pmax Installation Instructions
To: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
From: Gregory McGarry <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 10/27/1997 09:27:04
Jonathan Stone wrote:
> >Additionally, here is a set of instructions I compiled a few months
> >back. I have made changes to it over the last few days with the
> >comments from the list. Have a look, and please supply any feedback.
> Wow. I really hope it's OK to use these for the upcoming 1.3 release!
Yup. I'll add the comments I have received.
Thanks to everyone who has responded. Keep those comments coming in.
> >Remember that the DECstation
> >console doesn't support cursor positioning, so you cannot use vi. You
> >can edit the disklabel disk.profile back on your helper machine.
> This is not quite accurate. The Ultrix console can't do cursor
> positioning. The NetBSD console can. You need to do something like
Due to the strong encouragement, I think I might have another go at the
installation script next weekend. The disklabel hacks were the
major sore point...