Subject: X-windows trouble
To: User ZOMBIE <>
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
List: port-pmax
Date: 11/10/1997 19:26:19
>Greetings, I hope I won't be asking (too often) repeated questions, but at
>this point I'm kind of stuck...
No, no, that's what the list is for!
BTW, since you're running the ALPHA snapshot: feedback on the
installation procedure, the current NOTES, and on sysinst would be
very welcome. It's quite usable as-is, but I'd like to make it even
[Xcfbpmax exits]
>Running the xfs with the fontpaths in it's catalogue seems to produce a
>operational fontserver (at least, so claims lsfsfonts), but running
>X -fp trillian:7100 (which is the machine's name), or X -fp localhost:7100
>produces errors about the fonts again.
This needs to go into a README with the X servers and into the
NOTES and release notes. It's not your problem, it's ours.
I think the the -fp option isn't quite correct. You need to use
something like
X -fp trillian/tcp:7100
or, as I would recommend,
X -fp localhost/tcp:7100
(so that the file works on other machines). This is documented in the
xfs man page.
I'm also committing changes to /etc/rc and /etc/rc.conf to allow
starting both xfs and xdm via rc.conf. That should help too.