Subject: Re: Query: 3100 graphics-console cursor patch and X11?
To: None <port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: emanuel stiebler <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 11/14/1997 09:40:21
> >Maximum entropy writes:
> >>
> >>First an unrelated problem: if I start xfs automatically (xfs=YES
> >>/etc/rc.conf), the system freezes when I start X. If I start xfs
> >>manually (xfs &) right before starting X, it works just fine.
> >
> >Is this still a problem? I tried config'ing
> >xfs=YES
> >xdm=YES
> >on a 5000/150 and booted it. It worked fine for me.
> Note that I did *not* set xdm=YES. I only set xfs=YES. I then
> rebooted, logged in, and ran startx. (I had modified startx to add
> "-fp tcp/localhost:7100" to the server options. That worked fine with
> xfs started manually via "xfs &" on the command line.)
> I did verify yesterday that xfs actually was running (via ps -auxwww).
> I will do all the tests you requested later today when I can get at
> the console, and send you the output. (I'll include the ps output as
> well, on the assumption that you wanted to see flags and not just an
> existence test.) I will also try with xdm=YES.
Hi all,
i have exact the same problem with xfs. started manually is ok, but setting
xfs=YES in rc.conf freezes the system.