Subject: Re: diskimage install & Ultrix
To: None <>
From: maximum entropy <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 11/19/1997 19:02:45
>From: Bill Studenmund <>
>I'm looking at installing 1.3_ALPHA (or _BETA by the time I get to it) on
>a 3100 which has ULTRIX on it. Since the environment doesn't have
>netbooting set up (and I have a spare disk), I'd like to just dd the
>diskimage onto it.
>All the install instructions with _ALPHA basically are
>disklabel -W the/drive
>gunzip -c the_image| dd of=/the/drive bs=10240
>What do I do under ULTRIX as the equivelant of the disklabel -W command
>(which is basically just unlocking the boot sectors)?
I don't think there is an equivalent to "disklabel -W" under Ultrix.
I would expect that if you chpt the disk and then dd the diskimage
onto the raw c partition, it should just work. This is essentially
the "dirty hack" method described at
but it's no longer a dirty hack, because the new diskimages and new
kernels work well together to avoid all the issues that made this a
"dirty hack" in the past.
entropy -- it's not just a good idea, it's the second law.