Subject: Re: single-disk, netbsd-only install
To: Jonathan Stone <>
From: Simon Burge <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 11/20/1997 16:36:34
On Wed, 19 Nov 1997 21:10:07 -0800 Jonathan Stone wrote:
> Oh... The original intent was that you could dd the diskimage onto the
> raw disk, boot it as the `a' partition, and use sysinst to install
> _into_ the root you're running out of. I tested this on a machine at
> home; it worked fine for me.
> Sysinst is smart enough to check for this and _not_ newfs the current
> root. But you need to be careful to not change the location or size of
> the `a` partition. THat probalby makes life really hard for
> single-disk RZ23 installs.
Should sysinst be modified so that the user _can't_ modify the `a'
partition under these circumstances?