Subject: kernel trouble.
To: None <port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jorgen Pehrson <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 01/07/1998 16:45:11
I compiled a kernel for my DS 5000/200. (1.3_beta). After correcting some
silly mistakes, such as trying to boot from netbsd.ecoff instead of
netbsd.aout it actually booted. Not completely without problems though.
After it has configured my SCSI disks it dies with a:
panic: cpu_initclocks: no clock attached
And if I hook up my trustworthy DECWriterII as console and compares the
output when I boot the kernel that panics and when I boot the default
kernel I can see some differences. The working kernel says this:
clock0 at asic0 offset 0x280000 priority 0: mc146818 or compatible
where the kernel that panics says this:
mc146818 at asic0 offset 0x280000 priority 0 not configured.
If I look at my kernel config file it has an
#include "arch/pmax/conf/builtin.3max" which has an
clock0 at mainbus0 line.
Anyone have an idea why the kernel doesn't want to add the clock0?
Jorgen Pehrson