Subject: Re: *wm* crashes a lot
To: None <port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael L. Hitch <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 03/05/1998 10:14:36
On Mar 5, 10:36am, Dan McMahill wrote:
> Anyone else having problems with 1.3 and window managers?
Yes, I have.
> I have tried twm (came with the x binaries), and fvwm2
> (built from pkgsrc). twm crashes every few minutes (and
> every time I close a window), fvwm2 crashes every few hours
> and in particular when I uniconify a window using a
> mouse button popup menu.
I've only used twm on the pmax, although I have also run fvwm from
my amiga. I haven't noticed any problems when using the amiga fvwm,
but then I haven't actually used it very much.
> Any ideas?
Not at the moment. I've tried looking at the core dump with gdb,
but it's trapping in the shared library and I can't look at any of
that from a coredump. I've also tried running twm under gdb, but
gdb currently has problems with debugging in shared libraries (but
I have gotten some nasty hacks to gdb that make it work better).
I haven't tried a statically-linked twm yet - I hadn't thought about
it before now.
Michael L. Hitch
Computer Consultant
Information Technology Center
Montana State University Bozeman, MT USA