Subject: Re: massive kernel building lossage.
To: <>
From: matthew green <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 03/30/1998 18:18:31
/sys/arch/pmax/pmax/dec_3maxplus.c:494: warning: implicit declaration of function `dec_mtasic_err'
/sys/arch/pmax/pmax/dec_3max_subr.c:53: warning: function declaration isn't a prototype
i fixed those errors with the patch below, but i still have the
mips_hardware_intr symbol missing...
Index: kn02.h
RCS file: /cvsroot/src/sys/arch/pmax/pmax/kn02.h,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -c -r1.4 kn02.h
*** kn02.h 1994/10/26 21:10:28 1.4
--- kn02.h 1998/03/30 08:18:23
*** 251,255 ****
--- 251,256 ----
#define KN02_ECC_CHKHI 0x7f000000 /* check bits, " " */
#define KN02_ECC_VLDHI 0x80000000 /* info valid for " */
+ extern void dec_mtasic_err __P((u_int erradr, u_int errsyn));
#endif /* MIPS_KN02_H */
Index: dec_3max_subr.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/src/sys/arch/pmax/pmax/dec_3max_subr.c,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -c -r1.4 dec_3max_subr.c
*** dec_3max_subr.c 1998/03/29 01:12:15 1.4
--- dec_3max_subr.c 1998/03/30 08:18:23
*** 40,46 ****
#include <machine/locore.h> /* wbflush() */
#include <pmax/pmax/kn02.h> /* error-register defs copied into kn03.h */
- #include <pmax/pmax/dec_3max_subr.h>
* the 3max and 3maxplus have compatible memory subsystems;
--- 40,45 ----
Index: dec_3maxplus.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/src/sys/arch/pmax/pmax/dec_3maxplus.c,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -c -r1.6 dec_3maxplus.c
*** dec_3maxplus.c 1998/03/29 01:12:15 1.6
--- dec_3maxplus.c 1998/03/30 08:18:25
*** 100,109 ****
#include <pmax/pmax/pmaxtype.h>
#include <pmax/pmax/machdep.h> /* XXXjrs replace with vectors */
#include <pmax/pmax/kn03.h>
#include <pmax/pmax/asic.h>
- #include <pmax/pmax/dec_3max_subr.h>
* Forward declarations
--- 100,108 ----
#include <pmax/pmax/pmaxtype.h>
#include <pmax/pmax/machdep.h> /* XXXjrs replace with vectors */
+ #include <pmax/pmax/kn02.h>
#include <pmax/pmax/kn03.h>
#include <pmax/pmax/asic.h>
* Forward declarations