Subject: kernel compile, 1.3.1 & patches ...
To: None <port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: emanuel stiebler <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 03/30/1998 10:21:28
Hi all,
probably one of my silly questions ....
tried yesterday to build my own 1.3.1 kernel. (to check my problem with the
TZ30 tape)
question is: have you all a link from netbsd-1.3 -> src ?
what i seen on my screen during the 1.3.1 src patch, is that some of the
patches uses /usr/netbsd-1.3 and some uses /usr/src ...
same with the LAST_MINUTE rtc-patch.
I'm right with this link, or i'm missing something ?