Subject: miscellaneous startup probs
To: None <port-pmax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Chuck Robey <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 04/25/1998 16:11:38
I am finally trying to complete the startup of my NetBSD installed
DECStation 5000, and having some problems, wonder if this is the right
place to put this ... if it's not, please don't actually answer the
questions, just tell me where to repost.
First problem ... can't seem to get the network up. Can ping it from my
nearby FreeBSD box, but can't seem to ping out to the FreeBSD box
fromthe 5000. Also, when I try (from the FreeBSD box) to run some
service like rlogin, I get:
picnic:/usr2/chuckr/descent:136 >rlogin
jaunt: Permission denied
So I wonder if maybe there's some kernel security thing active that's
stalling me?
Next question, trying to get X11 up. It's installed, and I got past the
initial "can't find the lib" problem by fixing, but now I get
a response that tells me it's finding two other problems. One error
message is:
Couldn't open RGB_DB '/store/lib/X11/rgb'
Tried to fix that by creating a softlink, but no go. Also tried to
setenv RGB_DB to /usr/X11R6.3/lib/X11/rgb.db, that didn't work either.
Second error message while starting X11 (via startx) was Fatal server
error: no screens found. OK, I'm used to X11 looking to start in the
last unused virtual terminal, but I don't know the key sequence to get
to a virtual terminal. I looked into /etc/ttys, aren't even any vt's
listed there ... I am not a very experienced NetBSD hand, maybe this
requires a new kernel? If so, I have to get the darn network humming
first, and the error I listed first above is the same one I get when I
try to do any ftp.
Last question ... I have a huge color monitor, I guess it's a VR-299,
and seems to have 57 lines onscreen. What's the correct terminal type
from termcap to use for this beast? I tried the pcvt50, but it loses
the bottom 7 lines of screen, and keeps on getting stuck in reverse
video mode. I found out how to fix that (tput me) but it's real
Thanks for the help, guys. I'll update the kernel to the latest as soom
as I get the network going. The kernel I have now is 1.2.
Chuck Robey | Interests include any kind of voice or data | communications topic, C programming, and Unix.
213 Lakeside Drive Apt T-1 |
Greenbelt, MD 20770 | I run Journey2 and picnic, both FreeBSD
(301) 220-2114 | version 3.0 current -- and great FUN!