Subject: Re: Memorybroblems... not!
To: Dr. John Refling <>
From: Kim G. S. OEyhus <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 04/30/1998 09:29:12
> Which dec machine do you have? I have not had time to try this on
> my 5000/200 yet. You were getting the "internal compiler error"
> wern't you?
Yes, among other things. I had a Decstations 3100.
Yesterday I glued the heatsink to the processor, with thermal paste
in the middle, where the metal is. I ran "primes" all evening, getting
over 100 000 000, which is the furthest I have ever gotten.
In other words: The heatsink seems to have fixed the problem.
One have to lift the metal sheet with the harddiscs on. It is possible
to reorient it so that it covers less than half of the motherboard,
but all connectors has to be reconnected in different ways.