Subject: New Dec 5000/200 owner in troubles.
To: <>
From: Smurfie <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 08/15/1998 16:26:09
Hi all,
I got an old decstation 5000/200, with 32mb ram, and HD extensions, +
Tape extension.
No video card.
So i plugged a unisys vt100 terminal on one of the communication ports
on the DEC.
It seems to work good, at leat the DEC is booting the firmware, and
seltests do not fails.
So i wanted to install NetBsd on it...
I've set up a tftp/bootp server on one of my linux boxes, it works
But the Dec, while booting on it, displays the message:
Panic : lockmgr: locking against myself.
Does anyone got any idea about what happens?
I tried with ecoff nfsnetbsd kernels v1.3.2 and v1.3.1, same thing.
when i try from a 1.3.1 ecoff netbsd kernel, the DEC stops after
displaying the first few members from the kernel.
i absolutely got no idea about those problemes, i never used NetBsd
beofre =)
plleeaaase help me, i' d really like to make this 5000/200 re-born.
Arnauld Dravet