Subject: Non-DEC HDs in a 5000/133 ?
To: None <>
From: Marc Gutschner <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 10/06/1998 13:51:09
I've a DS5000/133 at home that had a dead Fujitsu 1GB hard drive in it.
I searched through my spare disks and replaced the dead one with a IBM
DSAS-3540 (520MB). Now this IBM HD is not seen at all by the PROM... It
just shows me the external RZ55 (rz1) and the internal RX23 (rz5). As
soon as the NetBSD kernel boots it detects the IBM just fine and I can
use the internal disk. Since the RZ55 is big, slow and noisy I would
love to use just the internal disk. The only difference in setup (or
behaviour) between the RZ55 and the DSAS-3540 is that the RZ55 needs to
be sent a "start unit" command to spin up the platters. Do I need to set
the IBM to not spin-up on power-on ? Or are there some "dirty hacks" in
the PROM that allow only certain types of HDs to be booted from ? The
(now dead) Fujitsu identified itself as a "Fujitsu M2946", IIRC. So I
assume that PROM is not entirely "blind folded" wrt to manufacturers
other that DEC, right ?
I appreciate any hints on how to get this dang machine boot from the
internal HD. I have a (currently) useless pair of RZ23 (100MB drives) in
my VS3100, but 100MB is a bit to tight to be useful ;)