Subject: Re: X11R6 status?
To: Toru Nishimura <>
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
List: port-pmax
Date: 10/13/1998 01:30:11
>It's nice to build Xws emulation good enough to run ULTRIX binary. The
>Xserver also has DisplayPostscript module inside. It's really cute.
>But, because all we have is the single binary which happens available
>ULTRIX owner(s), and given technical difficulties (reverse engineering
>to run the black box), I admit here it would be, ahh, a tough task.
It's not that hopeless. The X Consortium has source code for an Xws
server for the unaccelerated (cfb/sfb/mfb/3100) framebuffers.
So the Xws API itself is not a "black box".
I ktrace'd an X-consortium server built under Ultrix on NetbSD's
ultrix emulation, ktrace'd it, and mnore-or-less got the Xdec server
working. (the input mapping needs reworking, but the rest is OK.)
>From there it's up to finding someone helpful who knows the details of
how the Ultrix kernel handles mmap()ing the "command-packet"
ringbuffers for the PMAG-C/PMAG-E/PMAG-F displays and fielding
interrupts. i think i can figure that out from the CMU source I have,
given enough spare time (which I dont have before, oh, January,
at this rate...)