Subject: re: 1.3.2 installation from CD
To: None <>
From: Terry R. Friedrichsen <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 10/15/1998 07:12:21
I wrote about difficulties installing NetBSD 1.3.2 off CD from an existing
1.2G system.
Jonathan Stone wrote:
> I dont get it. Once you'd gotten a 1.3 kernel running, you should be
> able to mount the CD as an is09660 filesystem (right?)
> and do the
> install that way, using the "already mounted" filesystem.
The problem there was that the "gunzip -c diskimage.gz | dd ..." command
caused the 1.3 kernel to reboot after about 2 megabytes (estimated from
timing) of the .gz file was read. I could read diskimage.gz from the CD
OK; I just couldn't be writing to another disk at the same time. So I
FTP'd diskimage.gz to a remote system and then FTP'd it back. The gunzip
command, fortunately, worked from one disk to another just fine.
(I only had to do the double-FTP trick because at the time I was confused
by the fact that mounting the NetBSD CD under Ultrix gave me a netbsd-1.2
directory instead of the expected NetBSD-1.3.2 directory. Had I investi-
gated that further instead of trying to blow it off, I'd never have needed
the 1.3 kernel in the first place; I could have just FTP'd the diskimage
directly from the CD mounted under Ultrix while running under the 1.2G
So if I knew *then* what I know *now*, it would have been even easier!
> The other dirty trick is to booth the disklimage, make a symlink in
> /dev for /dev/cd0 -> /dev/rz4a (or do a mknod) and then run sysinst,
Well, as I say, first I had to get the diskimage dd'd onto the new disk.
But I am embarrassed to admit that I didn't think of this simple trick
after I'd stumbled across sysinst's problems.