Subject: Re: broken tcpdump in 1.3.2 ?
To: Alfred Arnold <>
From: Michael L. Hitch <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 10/23/1998 14:19:30
On Sep 17, 9:05am, Alfred Arnold wrote:
> does anyone else have problems with the tcpdump program coming with
> NetBSD/pmax 1.3.2? I installed 1.3.2 on a 3100, on a 5000/200, and a
> 5000/240, and it's all the same: I start tcpdump (without additional
> parameters, to get the whole traffic on the net, and tcpdump dies with a
> segv within seconds. It might list one or two pages before it happens,
> but it's not reproducible...
Yes, I have been having the same problem.
I'm not sure, but it seemed I had a binary that worked on one system
but not the one I wanted it to run on. I'm not very sure which version
of the kernel I was running (I've got a mixture of 1.3.? and various
incarnations of "-current").
I think I was finally able to build a new one that worked.
Michael L. Hitch
Computer Consultant
Information Technology Center
Montana State University Bozeman, MT USA