Subject: new -current snapshot 1998-10-25
To: None <>
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
List: port-pmax
Date: 10/26/1998 14:35:18
hi all,
I made another -current snapshot from Sunday's source. It's in
This one includes prebuilt -current kernels, and I double-checked that
it has and ld.elf_so.
I'm interested in hearing how this works on
a) machines with PMAGB-BB (sfbs with nonstandard resolution,
i.e., anything but 1280x1024)
b) 3100s. the ibus-attach stuff should be fixed, but i havent
yet duplicated the PR about tty state-munging (I'm using
a serial console on mine, not enough keyboards).
c) 5100s :)
If this snapshot works okay, I really _will_ try switching to egcs.