Subject: Re: netbooting my DECsystem 5000/260
To: None <>
From: Tim Austwick <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 10/30/1998 16:51:22
> I use a RedHat5.1( to be the tftp server. The
> bootptab on this server is:
> There are netbsd.ecoff and nfsnetbsd.ecoff in /tftp/DEC/NetBSD/.
> Now I try to boot from the prompt:
> >> boot 3/tftp
> -tftp bootp(3). bootp
> Now, what's the problem? How can I boot successfully?
I dont know about netbooting DesStations, but ive done it with a Linux
server for a few suns. Is tftpd installed okay on the redhat box? Usually
this means uncommenting the line in /etc/inetd.conf and kill -HUP'ing
inetd. Also, bootpd can take a debug parameter, which increases its loggin
level. bootpd -d4 works for me.
Do a tail -f /var/log/message (or whatever syslog dumps too, redhat
usually uses messages) and yoy can watch the decstation attempt to boot.
Usually you get:
bootpd: host 00:blah:00 looking for ip
bootpd: sending ip address to blah
in,tftpd: host blah.blah looking for file blah2
in.tftpd: serving file blah
Maybe it cant find the files...
Hope that helps!!
Tim <- Owner of A decstation 5k/240 and 5k/200,l neither of which run
netbsd. Bum deal? Yep.