Subject: Re: 1.3.2 pmax diskimage boot won't mount r/w
To: Simon Burge <>
From: Robert D. Keys <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 11/05/1998 10:06:32
> On Wed, 4 Nov 1998 10:18:21 -0500 (EST) "Robert D. Keys" wrote:
> > I was trying, for the first time, to totally redo my pmax box and set it
> > up for 1.3.2. Before I tried, I set up the temporary root fs in rz0b,
> > and put the netbsd-1.3.2 kernel in the root of rz0a. On reboot, it
> > seemed to come up fine, BUT, sysinst would not work because the file
> > systems came up read-only. Somewhere, in the mounting of root the
> > second time for r/w, it errors out with a mount error 22. I will assume
> > my magick incantations are off somewhere, but I thought I followed the
> > install guide religiously.
> What exactly is the "magick incantation"? You should be able to
> manually mount the root filesystem after it comes up in single user
> mode by doing:
> mount -u /dev/rzXY /
> where X is the SCSI id and Y is the partition (so rz0b in your case).
> Then you should be able to continue on from there (set terminal type,
> start sysinst, etc).
I tried that and it basically did nothing but report back with an error 22.
I can set terminal type ``set TERM=pmax; export TERM;'' and that takes fine.
I can start sysinst, but it reports that it can't find fstab and can't write
to the file system and aborts. There is an fstab.fz that I tried to cp or
mv to fstab, and it would not do it with the read-only fs.
I sense it screwed up something more seriously than it will handle, and I
will probably have to rewrite the diskimage. Assuming I have to rewrite
the disk image on a foreign machine (my choices are a dos PS/2 box, possibly
an aix PS/2 box, or an old 386 dos box with an 8 bit scsi controller),
the drives I have are RZ23's, an RZ26, a Maxtor LXT200, and a Quantum LPS240.
Should I write it first to the RZ26? I was hoping to save that as my work
drive (rz1), and maybe use the Quantum 240mb drive as the basic system drive
for the root, swap, and usr partitions. When I tried the RZ23, initially,
it turned out to be too small do so anything with, and sysinst crashed about
75% through the base install. How much swap space is actually needed?
The machine has 24M ram. Technically, I was under the impression that
swap only needed to be as big as ram plus a few bytes (maybe 101% ram)
rather than the twice ram everyone rules-of-thumbs. If I am understanding
the diskimage fs, it defaults to 32M for root and 64M for swap? Does it
really need that much?
Lots of questions.... and dec boxes are not my forte.....(:+{{....
Longshot question.... will the NetBSD/hardware on the pmax box recognize
something like an Archive Viper scsi tape drive (150mb), and if so would
it be possible to dd an image off a tape from that drive onto a second
drive (rz1)? I have the RZ26 drive disklabeled and ready to go, IFF that
kind of stunt might be possible? The machine appears to be functionally
up sufficiently to maybe do something like that, and save me the trouble
of having to mount the drives on foreign boxes.