Subject: Re: X on Kupe (DS5000/125)
To: Michael Brown <>
From: Michael L. Hitch <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 11/06/1998 15:13:09
On Nov 6, 4:52pm, Michael Brown wrote:
> I've compiled the NetBSD-current kernel successfully, and X works! Hurrah!
> I'm using the 1.3.2 userland, and it works nicely except for a few caveats
> (ps-tools)
> [michael@kupe /home/michael]$ ps
> ps: proc size mismatch (8352 total, 648 chunks)
You will need to reuild several things - assuming you have only 1.3.2 stuff
other than the kernel, you will need to do at least:
o install all the -current includes
o rebuild and install libc
o rebuild and install libkvm
o rebuild and install ps
> And when I use the mouse, the cursor appears about 2 inches to the right of
> where the server thinks it is. It stops 2 inches to the right of the left side
> of the screen, and goes offscreen to the right, and the window highlighting
> and clicking acts as though it was 2 inches to the left... strange. :-)
Let me guess - you have an sfb [PMAGB-BA] graphics adapter and it's jumpered
with an alternate clock to give a 1024x8?? display? If so, you need
to get the pmax/dev/bt459.c that should have become available today [Friday]
on the SUP server or ftp server. The cursor positioning needs different
offsets for the alternate resolution mode of the PMAGB-BA.
[If you aren't using a PMAGB-BA in the lower resolution, then I'm not sure
what the problem would be.]
Michael L. Hitch
Computer Consultant
Information Technology Center
Montana State University Bozeman, MT USA