Subject: SYS V shared memory.
To: None <>
From: Jason Henry Parker <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 11/14/1998 14:26:06
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
After an extended period with no pmax, I've got the beast running again,
and have upgraded to 1.3.2, but I can't seem to get shared memory working
again (if I remember correctly, it's one of the things not enabled by
default for installation kernels).
I've recompiled my kernel, with the following options added (I copied
the DS500025 file from /sys/arch/pmax/conf and modified as necessary):
options SYSVMSG
options SYSVSEM
options SYSVSHM
I've copied the right kernel (netbsd.aout) into place, it boots, it
runs, it makes coffe and gets me up in the morning. But it just *won't*
run windowmaker, or gnome-panel, or...
*sigh* I had this working under 1.3.1, (or maybe it *was* 1.3.2) but
I seem to be forgetting something without being able to work out what.
Can anyone help me out, or even confirm that sysv shm *is* broken
for 1.3.2?
---Jason Henry ____
|``It is hardly my fault if his wit is so dulled by | \ _/__=20
|long lunches that he cannot recognise irony when it| \X /
|pokes him in the belly.'' -- Stuart Littlemore, QC| \/
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