Subject: Re: UVM failure :(
To: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
From: Simon Burge <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 11/30/1998 18:11:37
On Sat, 28 Nov 1998 19:30:27 -0800 Jonathan Stone wrote:
> I was about to commit something like the following. it makes it much
> clearer what's going on, and also where we lose if, say, maxproc gets
> bumped via sysctl.
> Does this look OK?
How about the following, which is your patch and Michael's suggestion to
allow an option to override the number of PTE's for large swap? I guess
we need to do some figures to work out what "large swap" is...
I assume all this will change when we go to pmap_new?
Index: pmap.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/src/sys/arch/mips/mips/pmap.c,v
retrieving revision 1.44
diff -c -r1.44 pmap.c
*** pmap.c 1998/11/29 03:18:32 1.44
--- pmap.c 1998/11/30 07:11:23
*** 251,262 ****
* Allocate a PTE table for the kernel.
- * The '1024' comes from PAGER_MAP_SIZE in vm_pager_init().
- * This should be kept in sync.
* We also reserve space for kmem_alloc_pageable() for vm_fork().
! nbuf * MAXBSIZE + 16 * NCARGS) / NBPG + 1024 + 256;
#ifdef SYSVSHM
Sysmapsize += shminfo.shmall;
--- 251,280 ----
* Allocate a PTE table for the kernel.
* We also reserve space for kmem_alloc_pageable() for vm_fork().
! nbuf * MAXBSIZE + 16 * NCARGS) / NBPG;
! /*
! * Allocate PTE space space for u-areas (XXX)
! */
! Sysmapsize += maxproc * UPAGES;
! /*
! * Allocate kernel virtual-address space for swap maps.
! */
! Sysmapsize += MIPS_SWAP_SYSMAP_PTES;
! #else
! #ifdef UVM
! Sysmapsize += 2048;
! #else
! /* the '1024' comes from SWAP_MAP_SIZE in vm_pager_init(). */
! Sysmapsize += 1024;
! #endif
! #endif /* !MIPS_SWAP_SYSMAP_PTES */
#ifdef SYSVSHM
Sysmapsize += shminfo.shmall;