Subject: Re: sys/lib/libsa: Cleanup and making stuff "smaller".
To: None <>
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
List: port-pmax
Date: 02/21/1999 21:35:14
[redirected to port-pmax rather than tech-kern]
Matthias Drochner writes:
>I've played with a "netboot" stage a while ago btw. [...]
Thats very interesting. Simon and I would be grateful for pointers.
>Is it possible that the console eats
>them up?
Did you use the prom I/O callbacks
DEC_PROM_INITPROTO Initialize protocol.
DEC_PROM_PROTOENABLE Enable protocol mode.
DEC_PROM_PROTODISABLE Disable protocol mode.
DEC_PROM_GETPKT Get protocol packet.
DEC_PROM_PUTPKT Put protocol packet.
or another API, or a standalone driver? I dont know what the PROM API
acutaly is, but its entirely possible the PROM eats the ARP packet and
`does ARP for you'. It'd have to, in order to TFTP-load the kernel or
netboot stage.
And again, thanks for letting us know you've been investigating this.