Subject: Re: sys/lib/libsa: Cleanup and making stuff "smaller".
To: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
From: None <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 02/22/1999 15:17:46
jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU said:
> Thats very interesting. Simon and I would be grateful for pointers.
Iirc I've mentioned it to Simon once - maybe it slopped through.
I can put my stuff up for FTP somewhere if you want.
> Did you use the prom I/O callbacks
> DEC_PROM_INITPROTO Initialize protocol.
> [...]
As I understand, these are the callbacks for the old,
pre-PEX proms. I've tested on a '240, so I've used
the REX calls bootinit(), bootread() and bootwrite()
which provide a packet interface.
Or am I wrong? I don't have documentation except some
source picked up here and there.
As I said, it nearly works, so it can't be too wrong.
best regards