Subject: Re: Beep on Personal DECstation
To: Toru Nishimura <>
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
List: port-pmax
Date: 03/04/1999 02:43:02
I got DEC CRL-derived AF drivers for both the AVO1 and the maxine
working somtime last year. I just havent had enough spare time to
refrob them into a `clean' bus_space/MI audio driver API or (in the
latter case) to put together a semi-clean ioctl ASIC DMA support. But
``Texas, O Texas'' [the AF test audio] somehow fails to stir the heart
of a Kiwi. No matter how it may please the current owners of the
former Digital Equipemnt Corporation :-/.
thanks (once again) to Ralph Campbell, but by the time I got his
driver I'd ported it myself.
if someone wants to take it on they'd be most welcome.
PS: thanks very much to the people who donated the requisite hardware.
they know who they are; if they want, they can ping me and we'll list
it on the pmax Web page.
PPS: I understand there is an AVO1-B external box to go with Ralph C's
board still in the Bay Area. If someone wants to commit to getting it
working, I'll arrnage shippping for the box and (should the current
owner agree) the TC card to a suitable volunteer.