Subject: Re: test kernel coming soon...
To: None <>
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
List: port-pmax
Date: 03/08/1999 12:13:13
hi all,
several people have tried the DELAY()-calibration code on Personal
Decstations and 5000/240s.
Much to my surprise, doing the moral equivalent of
timersub(&end, &start, &delta);
printf(...contents of delta...);
in pmax/pmax/autoconf.c:autoconfigure(), _even after SCSI
configuration_ shows a one-microsecond delay. And even that is coming
from the monotonicity of microtime().
That's weird for two reasons: its after an spl0 so clock interrupts
are enabled, and so microtime() should increment by 256 clock
interrupts (even if its no more accurate than 4 usecs, give or take
slop in the DELAY() multiplier).
And even if there were no clock ticks, microtime() interpolates using
the free-running timer on a Personal DECstation and the TC-bus cycle
counter on 5000/240s.
I guess i need more coffee. But does anyone else understand what's
going on here?