Subject: Re: "bootinfo" record for pmax bootblocks?
To: None <>
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
List: port-pmax
Date: 03/17/1999 19:25:56
In message <>,
Simon Burge e writes:
>[[ CC'd to tech-kern, reply-to set to port-pmax ]]
Sounds fine. Just a nitpick:
>We can start with info on symbol table info and kernel type (ELF, ecoff,
>a.out), and bootpath (made available by a sysctl in the machdep "mib").
>Perhaps add network info with a 2 stage netboot later, to save RARPing,
>etc yet another time.
RARP? I hope thats a typo for `bootp' or `dhcp': the PROMs need
bootp/dhcp, so there's no plausible reason to RARP.
Also, last I looked, the IP address was available as a PROM
environment variable, so you could get it that way. But putting it in
a bootinfo record, if we have one, certainly makes sense.
>Barring any better suggestions, I'll start working on this next Monday
>or Tuesday (and have a peaceful break until then :-).