Subject: Re: ROM problem.
To: None <>
From: Matthew Hudson <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 03/27/1999 20:02:42
Okay. All I know is I put the bootloader in /tftpboot/mop
and it works. I think you should ask in port-vax. They
know there way around mop. I was gonna try to tackle mop
on the decsystem, but someone has to be much more qualified
than me. All I want right now is for this system to boot. :)
> > I currently netboot NetBSD/vax from Linux via mopd.
> > NetBSD/vax uses a mop bootloader. I'm figuring this
> > will also be the same for mop on the DECSystem?
> DECsystems use ECOFF kernels - I think VAXs use a.out? From a quick
> look at the manpages, I guess you run mopa.out to produce an image and
> then mopd serves that image? If that's the case, we either need to make
> mopa.out a more general program (like mopgenimage or somesuch), or make
> either an mop.elf or mop.ecoff.