Subject: X11 setup problem on 2100.
To: None <>
From: Charles Redmond <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 03/28/1999 13:38:21
I have a number of issues on my DECstation 2100
on which I'm trying to setup NetBSD 1.3.3 with...
Issue 1. I have a DS2100 with mono simm but a colour VR299 monitor. The previous install (Ultrix 4.4) recognised this and switched the display from green to mono B&W during boot.. does anyone know how Ultrix did that and is it a feature NetBSD pmax might gain?
Currently my NetBSD display is sickly green!
Issue 2. Setting up X11 and xdm
I have read the file /usr/X11R6/bin/README.pmax
and followed the directions within. I can now get X to
start using the startx command, BUT I can't get an xdm
login to come up when booting.. I have run the script at the bottom of the /usr/X11R6/bin/README.pmax file as
space was not an issue. I cannot find any errors in
A ps -ax finds both the xfs server and xdm running.
Issue 3. No where in the install document can I find
what to put in the prom to force the box into multi-user mode automatically. On my 5000/25 I use
boot 3/rz0/netbsd -a however a boot rz(0,0,0)netbsd -a
does not work on the 2100.
Thanks for any and all help.
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