Subject: Tales of Woe - Again
To: Pmax Netbsd Mailing List <>
From: Douglas S. Meade <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 06/23/1999 08:16:48
This is a followup to my earlier post about root mounting problems.
I'm trying to netboot a DS5000/25 (2.0m) to eventually install 1.4
to the hard disk, and I want to have the netboot capability around
anyway. Since upgrading Linux to RedHat 6, something broke on
my server. Today I tried several things using a NetBSD 1.3.3 server.
Several comments:
1. Contrary to the file, you cannot netboot with the
unzipped install.gz, as it's not ecoff.
2. Also contrary to the install document, you should not follow
the instructions in the netbooting howto, but should stick with
the basic diskimage.tgz, if you want to netboot to do a disk install.
Otherwise, it seems to me you don't have sysinst.
3. With nfsnetbsd.ecoff, I get the kernel down to where it tries
to mount root, but then it dies with "Cannot mount root, error=49".
Same with netbsd.ecoff.
4. With smallnet.ecoff, and the root file system from diskimage.tgz,
you can get into sysinst, and start setting up a hard disk, but when
I got to the point where it tries to do:
"pax -X -r -w -pe / /mnt
pax dies with the error: "pax: File /tmp/.nfsA00394.4 was modified
during copy to /mnt/tmp.nfsA00394.4", and sysinst drops back into
the introductory menu".
5. Going back to the Linux server, using smallnet.ecoff, and
diskimage.tgz file system, it dies while trying to mount root
with "panic: nfs_mountroot: getattr for root."
If I get time, I may play with some other models of Decstations, but this
is the one I had handy.