Subject: Re: netboot install of 1.4.1 snapshot
To: Simon Burge <simonb@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-pmax
Date: 07/21/1999 19:33:44
On Thu, 22 Jul 1999, Simon Burge wrote:
> #,
> freddy:\
> :ha=08.00.2b.25.28.fc:\
> :tc=.172_73_42_0:bf=netbsd/freddy:rp=/dlboot0/freddy.root:
ah. the rp entry did it. Its missing from:
in the section where it gives an example bootpd configuration.
> > Oh, oh. It looks like Simon forgot to do the mdsetimage to write the
> > ramdisk-image into the space allocated for that. Either that or he ran
> > into a pmap bug which caused mdsetimage to not work. Simon?
> That could be right, now that I think of it. I've been using "make
> release" to build everything, and I think I built that kernel as a
> one-of. Today was going to be "testing the new release stuff for 1.4"
> day, so if all's OK I'll upload 1.4.1 today.
> Dan - if you want something quicker, send me an email.
I can wait.