Subject: Re: Compiling kde on a DEC5000/240
To: Paul Mather <>
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
List: port-pmax
Date: 07/27/1999 07:13:26
In message <>,
Paul Mather writes:
>I have KDE 1.1 running on my DECstation 3100 under NetBSD/pmax 1.4. It
>took a bit of "manual intervention," but eventually I got most of it to
>compile. (I think the IRC client in kdenetwork is the only one I bailed
>As I recall, most of the errors were attributable to the compiler
>running out of memory. (I was surprised to see that the maximum amount
>of VM allowed a process is only ~32 MB!) The "fix" I adopted for this
>was to compile individually those that broke that way, but without the
>"-O2" optimisation. (This is the "manual intervention" [with
>cut-n-paste] of which I speak.:)
Build it as root and do `unlimit' before starting the build. 32
Mbytes is acutally 33% more memory than you can install in a 3100, so
its not that unreasonable when you take kernel memory and buffer-pool
into account. `unlimit' gets you up to 256 meg data and ~32 meg stack.
>I also recall that the libtool part of the configure script gave
>problems (at least in the kde{base,network,etc.}). I think what I did
>for this was to edit out the "--no-verify"(??) option to the libtool
>configuration in the configure script (so that configure would actually
>run to completion), and then let the configuration part of the make
>complete. Then, I'd edit in the appropriate pkgtool command in
>config.status (stolen from kdelibs, I believe), and then re-run
>config.status, and then run make again. Inelegant, I know, but I *do*
>have a running KDE... ;-)
That sounds like a bug in the pkg integration of kde.
If it's still current, please send a PR to the `pkg' people.
>For all I know, these problems (except for the compiler VM limitation)
>may have been eliminated in the KDE 1.1.1 package. (I suspect so,
>because I didn't have any *compilation* problems when trying to make the
>KDE 1.1.1 package on my NetBSD/alpha. [Having something that *runs* is
>another story entirely! :-)])
I know it's really slow, but if you or Pierre could try again with kde
1.1.1, that'd be a great help. I think all the libs built, but I ran
out of disk space bfore building the clients, and I dont use KDE